Van's Inner Universe

Living For The Future

Swamp Thing – World’s Apart review

Coming off the successful series premiere last week, they pick up where they left off in that the police were investigating the scientist’s apparent death. However, Abby Arcane doesn’t believe he’s dead and does her own investigation that puts her at odds with the police, who did their own. We also have the live-action appearance of Madame Xanadu, who advises against Maria about finding her daughter’s spirit and put her regrets to rest.

Susie is the first one to have dreams about a swamp-like creature reigning terror in the swamps and this eventually came true when it killed two men after they killed a police officer. Both Abby and Susie learn that the scientist is alive and has been transformed into a swamp creature. It was a good thing they end it with that as it serves as a good cliffhanger that will lead into the next episode.

Like Stargirl, this is 10-13 episodes and that each episode leads into the other with progressions on characters and storylines. It’s something that the Arrowverse shows clearly lacked and you can see a huge difference between them. The 2nd episode of Swamp Thing did well in the ratings maintaining last week’s numbers. A second season has to be made, even if the CW budget is not as good as the former DCU streaming service. Great second episode.

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