Van's Inner Universe

Living For The Future

Supergirl – Last Gauntlet/ Kara Series Finale review

Here we are. Six years and six seasons worth of super adventures. This is a combination of the final two episode, Last Gauntlet and Kara, where Supergirl and her team battle Lex Luthor and Nyxly over the fate of Esme and the Totems. There tensions among the team over how to deal with them. Kara and Alex argue over rescuing Esme as Alex will do whatever it takes to bring Esme back as Kara lets her go and finds another way thus justifying the means. There was another tension between Lena Luthor and Andrea Rojas over William Day’s death.

There were returning characters such as James Olsen, Winn Schott, Mon-El, Elisa Danvers, and Lillian Luthor, whom I didn’t expect at all. The one very character I didn’t expect to see again and they kept it separate was Callista Flockheart’s Cat Grant. Out of all returns, Cat’s was the most surprising one and they had to address her knowing Kara’s identity as Supergirl.

As the show ends, they were wrapping up things such as Cat buying back Catco and making Kara her editor in chief. The DEO has been reinstated as J’onn and the team will reimagined as they see fit. I can see that this is where Supergirl and her team will operate in. Alex got her happy ending with her wedding with Kelly.

In a way Supergirl’s series finale is like Smallville’s finale in that they involve weddings and the clash of the Luthor family. Whereas in Smallville Clark’s journey ends with him becoming Siuperman. In Supergirl, Kara’s journey is about her melding both her two sides together.

We want to thank Melissa Benoist, the cast, and crew for a six year run. It’s been quite a ride. It may not end as Melissa may be open to reprising Supergirl in future Arrowverse appearances and Alex Danvers will be the Flash’s 5-part crossover, Armageddon. Great series finale overall.

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