Van's Inner Universe

Living For The Future

Smallville May NOT End With Clark Wearing The Suit

The producers of Smallville made a rare appearance at a comic book convention answering fan
questions about Supergirl, Bizarro, Pete Ross, and other DC heroes, excluding Batman and Wonder Woman. The biggest disappointment coming out of this is that the series may NOT end with Clark wearing the suit. My concerns are justified and well-founded. Putting on the suit means the end of Smallville and the beginning of Superman. It’s the payoff we all want to see, not the triangle between Clark, Lex, and Lana because we already know what happens to all 3 in the future. How can Clark fulfill his destiny if he doesn’t wear the suit at the end? What’s the point of the entire series and journey in the first place when you don’t have the payoff at the end? Their reason for it was because of feature film, which is a very lame excuse. What about Superman being used in feature film, DTV, Legion of Superheroes, and an appearance in The Batman cartoon show and you can’t even show a glimpse of the suit at the series’ final episode? The problems that I had with the Superman: TAS were the same problems I have with Smallville – the show is written AROUND Clark Kent, not ABOUT him. It’s easy to write the supporting characters and villains, but they don’t know how to get to the main character. The show is about Clark’s journey into becoming the world’s greatest superhero, Superman. If this is the case, they we may have watched the series for nothing really.

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