Van's Inner Universe

Living For The Future

Star Trek Strange New Worlds – The Elysian Kingdom review

Most Star Trek shows usually have these fantasy-type episodes that cross over into other genres. Here we have the Enterprise investigating a nebula which they could not escape. So instead they’re trapped and have turned into medieval fantasy characters. This was a way for the cast to broaden their horizons as actors and also cashing in on the success of Game of Thrones.

The spotlight goes to Dr. M’ Benga and Hemmett. It was much needed after seeing emphasis on most of the other crew members. The storyline with Dr. M’ Benga and his daughter hits the climax as I wondered why he continued to stay in the Enterprise in the Original Series. Meanwhile Hemmet is showing his potential as a character and his prowess as an engineer.

After getting back to normal and leaving the nebula, the only ones who remembered the whole thing are Dr. M’ Benga and Number One as it looks like his secret involving his daughter is safe. It was interesting to see the roles the cast play in these fantasy scenarios. La’an stood out the most with her singing that could be useful in future works.

Good episode overall.

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